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Published on 5 November 2023

Media releases


2 July 2024

“D-A-CH” meeting on the security policy situation

President Viola Amherd, head of the DDPS, is attending the annual high-level meeting of the defence ministers of Germany, Austria and Switzerland. The meeting takes place on 2 and 3 July in Vienna.

1 July 2024

International training course on assistance and protection against chemical warfare agents and toxic industrial chemicals

Trainers from the NBC EOD Centre of Competence will teach the basics of chemical emergency survival to 25 representatives from States Parties to the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC). The State Secretariat for Security Policy (SEPOS) is coordinating the course in cooperation with the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW).

10 June 2024

Cooperation on military training: Slovenia and Switzerland sign agreement

The head of the Federal Department of Defence, Civil Protection and Sports, President Viola Amherd, and Slovenian Defence Minister Marjan Šarec signed an agreement in Bern on 10 June to strengthen cooperation on military training. The talks also focused on the current security situation in the Middle East, Ukraine and the Western Balkans.

30 May 2024

State Secretary for Security Policy and Chief of the Armed Forces to attend Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore

From 31 May to 2 June, the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) will bring together representatives from the security sector from the Asia-Pacific region, North America, Europe and the Middle East at the IISS Shangri-La Dialogue to discuss current security policy challenges in Asia. Switzerland will be represented at the security summit by State Secretary for Security Policy Markus Mäder and Chief of the Armed Forces Thomas Süssli.

22 May 2024

High-level conference on peace in Ukraine: military support and airspace restriction

At its meeting on 22 May, the Federal Council approved a temporary restriction on the use of airspace during the high-level conference on peace in Ukraine, which Switzerland will be hosting on 15 and 16 June at the Bürgenstock resort in the canton of Nidwalden. The Swiss Air Force will provide air policing and advanced air surveillance services. The Armed Forces will also set up a subsidiary support service to complement the security measures of the cantonal authorities.

10 April 2024

Federal Council decides to join the European Sky Shield Initiative

By participating in the European Sky Shield Initiative (ESSI), Switzerland is increasing its international cooperation opportunities. At its meeting on 10 April, the Federal Council approved the declaration of accession to the ESSI Cooperative Procurement Framework Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). The focus of the cooperation is on better coordination of procurement projects, training and logistical aspects in the area of ground-based air defence.

27 March 2024

Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons: Federal Council sees no need to change direction at this time

On the basis of a new comprehensive reassessment, the Federal Council decided at its meeting on 27 March 2024, that there is currently no reason to change its position on the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW), which entered into force in 2021. It has therefore reaffirmed the conclusion it reached in 2018 and 2019 and has decided that Switzerland will not join the TPNW for the time being. The Federal Council's conclusion is based both on the assessment made in 2018–19 and recent security policy developments in Europe and globally. The Federal Council considers Switzerland's commitment to a world without nuclear weapons, pursued within the framework of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), to be a more effective approach.

8 March 2024

«Peace begins with her » - Speech by State Secretary Markus Mäder

Speech by State Secretary for Security Policy Markus Mäder at the «Inside Out activation»of UN Women, on the occasion of International Women's Day, Uni Mail Geneva, Friday, 8 March 2024.

31 January 2024

Federal Council approves report on strengthening the defence capability of the Armed Forces and deepening international cooperation

At its meeting on 24 January, the Federal Council approved the Report on Defence Capability and Cooperation, which addresses postulates submitted by the Council of States Security Policy Committee SPC-S (23.3000) and Council of States member Josef Dittli (23.3131). The report sets out how Switzerland intends to strengthen the defence capabilities of its Armed Forces and achieve closer, institutionalised cooperation with NATO while maintaining its neutrality.